interview questions

35 Java Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

Java interview questions for freshers and experienced candidates asked in 2023.

coding challenge

35+ Competitive Coding Questions with Solutions | asked in Interviews

Competitive coding questions with solutions asked in Interviews 2022 for product based companies. Coding challenges are solved in programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python…


Second Largest/Smallest Number in Array in C/C++, Java and Python

Write a program to find the second smallest number in array in C/C++, Java and Python. Second largest element in list.


Find the Smallest and Largest Number in Array in C/C++, Java and Python

Write a program to find the smallest and largest number in the array. Code written in C/C++, Java and Python.


Reverse a Linked List In JAVA [Complete Code]

Write a program to reverse a Linked List In JAVA 8? Explained with complete code and example.


Java Regex Example Explained | Regular Expression

Simple Java regex example explained with code. Regular expression to search, match and manipulate the string.


[Solved] Program to Find Pairs that have Desired Sum in Java, Python

Write a program to count and find pairs that have desired sum from the given array. Program solved in Java, C/C++ and Python.

coding challenge

[Solved] Maximum Sum Subarray | Microsoft Interview Question

Write a program to find out maximum sum subarray. Subarray contains positive and negative integers. Complexity of Kaden’s Algorithm.

Program to Check Odious Number in Java, Python, C/++

How to write a program to check odious number in Java, Python and C/C++. Explained with algorithm and examples.