

How to Save Data from HTML Form to Database in Django?

How to save data from html form to database in django? Creating a Model Class, Different Model Field Types, Making Migrations and Setting Database,Set Form URL.


[Django] AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘TextField’

AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘TextField’. How to Create TextField and CharField in Django Model and Form respectively?

[4 Steps] Django Social Login with Facebook

[Simple 4 steps] How to create django social login with Facebook using social-auth-app-django? Complete code to develop user authentication for Django.


How to Open Python Interactive Shell in Django?

Simple command open Python shell in Django. This feature is provided so that you can test and run your code without putting it into the actual project.


Python Web Development with Django | 5 Simple Steps to Your First Project

How to start Python web development with Django? It includes all the installation commands to create your first Django project?


11 Prerequisites for Django | How Much Python to Learn Django?

How Much Python to Learn Django? And what are the Python prerequisites for developing website using web framework?