Find Parent of a Node in Binary Tree | Python Code
How to write a program to find parent of a node in binary tree? Solved using Python code?
How to write a program to find parent of a node in binary tree? Solved using Python code?
How to implement postorder traversal without recursion? Python program to print postorder traversal using iteration.
Write a program to create binary tree in Python, C/C++ and Java. Adding a new node and reading node values explained with coding examples.
What is a binary tree? How to prepare binary tree interview questions for product-based companies like Amazon?
How to find and print the lowest common ancestor in the binary tree? Algorithm, complexity, example and program explained in Python, C/C++ and Java code.
How to find all ancestors of the given nodes in Binary Tree? Program solved and explained in C/C++, Python, Java.
Program for level order traversal in binary tree solved in Python, C/C++ and Java. Explained with example and complexity.
How to write a program to find the height of the binary tree using recursion? Solved in Python, C/C++ and Java code.
What is a heap in the data structure? Difference between min heap and max heap. Heapify algorithms, inserting and finding elements and other operations and heap usages.