

Reverse a Linked List In JAVA [Complete Code]

Write a program to reverse a Linked List In JAVA 8? Explained with complete code and example.

coding challenge

Valid Sudoku Checker in Python

Write a program to check if Sudoku solution is valid or not. Valid Sudoku Checker in Python code explained with time and space complexity.


Sudoku Solver in Python w/ Backtracking | Explained with Example

How to write sudoku solver in Python with and without backtracking (brute force)? Algorithm explained with example.


7 Amazing Reasons | Why You should Learn Coding

Why you should learn coding? Why everybody should learn to code? Why is coding important for the future?


Java Regex Example Explained | Regular Expression

Simple Java regex example explained with code. Regular expression to search, match and manipulate the string.


How to indent First/All Line of Paragraph in HTML and CSS?

How to indent first line of paragraph in HTML and CSS? HTML Indent Paragraph All lines. The text-indent property for paragraph.


Hide/Show Password using Eye icon in HTML and JavaScript

How to hide and show password using eye icon in html and JavaScript? Toggle password on Click with visibility eye.

Neural Network

Experimenting Neural Networks from scratch in Python

[Complete code] Neural Networks in Python. Experimenting from the scratch. What is Neural network? How to implement it in Python?


[Solved] Program to Find Pairs that have Desired Sum in Java, Python

Write a program to count and find pairs that have desired sum from the given array. Program solved in Java, C/C++ and Python.