Tag: Python


Refer These 6 Python Books to Master Programming | Beginners to Advanced

What are the best Python books to learn for beginners and experienced? Learn Python hard way. Practical Python Books for experienced or non programmers.


[Solved] C408 Unnecessary (dict/list/tuple) call – rewrite as a literal

C408 Unnecessary (dict/list/tuple) call – rewrite as a literal. How to solve flake8 Python dictionary literal issue. Rewrite “dict([])” as “{}”.

coding challenge

Regular Expression to Validate PAN Card Number in Python

[Coding Challenge asked in BrightMoney] Write a regular expression to validate PAN card number in Python. PAN card validation in Python.

coding challenge

Validate IP Address using RegEx in Python

How to validate IP address using regex in Python? Regular expression explain with the coding example and program.


Python RegEx | Regular Expression Tutorial with Examples

What is Python RegEx? Explain regular expression in Python with coding examples. RE methods- search, findall, split and sub function.

coding challenge

Longest Balanced Substring | Maximum Length of Balanced Parentheses

Find the longest balanced substring. Write a program to find the maximum length of balanced parentheses.

coding challenge

Python Tricks for Competitive Programming

Python Tricks for Competitive Programming for cracking coding interviews.

coding challenge

Find an Index of Array Such that Sum of Left and Right Subarray is Equal

How to find an index of array such that sum of left and right subarray is equal? Split the array into equal sum subarray.


Python Testing with Pytest | Write Your First Unit Test

How to write test cases for python testing with pytest? Complete tutorial explained with detail examples.