
coding challenge

How to Find Next Greater Number with Same Set of Digits in C?

How to Find Next Greater Number with same Set of Digits of a Given Number in C Program? This is a coding question as well as asked in many interview coding rounds.


How to Write a code to implement strstr function in C?

Write a program to implement strstr function in C. Complete code explained about implementing string function strstr.


Write a C Program to Implement Stack using Array

The stack can be implemented using array. Stack using array is the easiest way to understand, how stack actual work and Operations to be performed on Stack using array.


Write C/C++ Program to Reverse a Linked List without Recursion?

Write a C/C++ Program to Reverse a Linked List. Reverse the singly Linked List elements with or without recursion. Time Complexity explained in detail.


[Program] How to Check if Two Strings are Anagrams in C?

What is Anagram of the string? Write a program to check if two strings are anagrams in C? Complete code explained with examples.


Write a C Program to Check if Array is Sorted

Write a C Program to check if array is sorted. How to check if the array is sorted using C code? Explained with the example in detail.


Linked List Implementation using Array in C [Step-By-Step]

Linked list implementation using array in C code. Write a C program to implement linked list.

bit manipulation

How to Convert Decimal to Binary in C/C++ Program?

Write a simple C/C++ program to convert decimal to binary. Write C function for conversion with and without recursion.


How to add Two Number without using Operator in C?

This is one of the tricky question asked in many of the placement interviews. Here we have to add Two Number without using Operator in C.