
Microsoft Interview Questions | On Campus | Set 1

I am sharing my experience about placement and Microsoft interview questions. Hope this will be very useful for you if are preparing for Microsoft placement.


11 Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller in points along with architecture diagram? It’s cost, complexity, speed, and example…


3 Binary Tree Traversal Algorithm (Preorder, Inorder and Postorder)

What are the different types of Binary Tree Traversal Algorithms? Preorder, Inorder, and Postorder traversals are explained with examples and their uses.


Qualcomm Interview Questions | Set 1 |On Campus

I am sharing Qualcomm Interview Questions and experience about online written test. There is first online test followed by two technical interview and one HR interview round.

Computer Network

How does Computer Network Work for Kids?

If you want to know how does computer network work. It is simple as any non-technical guy understand it, and also it is too complex as any technical expert understand it.


How to Write a code to implement strstr function in C?

Write a program to implement strstr function in C. Complete code explained about implementing string function strstr.


Deadlock Interview Questions in OS Explained with Example

What are the deadlock interview questions asked? What is a deadlock in the Operating System? Different the necessary conditions, strategies, and types to handle deadlock.


Write a C Program to Implement Stack using Array

The stack can be implemented using array. Stack using array is the easiest way to understand, how stack actual work and Operations to be performed on Stack using array.


Write C/C++ Program to Reverse a Linked List without Recursion?

Write a C/C++ Program to Reverse a Linked List. Reverse the singly Linked List elements with or without recursion. Time Complexity explained in detail.