
How to Recover Website from Japanese Keyword Hack in Google Search?

Step-by-step procedure to recover website from Japanese keyword hack in Google Search? How to prevent Chinese keyword attack.


How to Add Model to Django Admin Site [Step-by-step]

How to add model to django admin site? Step-by-step procedure to create custom form model and add it in admin.py.


Nutanix Coding Interview Questions | Online Test

Nutanix coding interview questions asked in the online assessment test for software engineer job profile.

Business Analyst

Business Analyst Roles and Responsibilities | Salary, Tools

What is Business analytics (BA)? Data analytics tools for beginners. Business analyst roles and responsibilities. Average Salary in India.


What is GitOps | Advantages over DevOps

What is GitOps? GitOps vs DevOps – Difference between two. Advantages and principles.


6 Most Popular DevOps Tools You Must Learn

What are the best and popular DevOps tools for beginners? Container, orchestration tools for CICD.


Importance of DevOps Process | Why it’s so Popular?

What is the importance of DevOps process? Why DevOps? What’s its matter and popular?

coding challenge

[Solved] Maximum Sum Subarray | Microsoft Interview Question

Write a program to find out maximum sum subarray. Subarray contains positive and negative integers. Complexity of Kaden’s Algorithm.


Top 10 Recent Trends in Machine Learning

What are the major and recent trends in machine learning and in future? Complete analysis.