
5 Steps for Getting Started with Python 3 | Beginners Guide

Easiest steps to getting started with Python: Download and Install Python, Set Environment Variable, Compile and Run Python Program.


How to Run Bash Script from Any Directory [Step-by-Step Commands]

How to run bash script from any directory? Easiest commands to write and execute shell script to automate the daily task on Unix/Linux.


8 Basic Data types in Java & Standard Rules for Java Programming

What are the Basic Data types in Java and standard rules for writing int, string and float variables?


11 Must-have Skills Required for Data Scientist Jobs

Who Else Want To Become A Data Scientist? Here are 11 Qualification and skills required for data scientist Jobs…


Python yield vs return Explained in Detail with Examples

How does yield Statement work in Python? Difference- Python yield vs return. Python yield Examples. When to use of Yield statement over return?


Java Program Basic | Hello World Program Explained for Beginners

Detail explanation about Hello World program and some Java Program Basic Questions for beginners.


Step by Step Java Environment Variables Setup [JDK Installation Guide]

To run Java application, there is Java development Kit(JDK). In this post, I share complete JDK installation guide and we see how to set path in Java.


Introduction, Features and Characteristics of Java | OOPs Concepts

Why is Java Called Java? What are the characteristics of Java and object-oriented concepts? Is Java a pure object-oriented programming language?


[7 Steps] Most Effective Job Search Checklist and Strategy

[Step-by-step] Job search checklist and strategy to land your dream job.