

Blockchain and Its Security | A Beginner’s Guide

What is blockchain? Why is Blockchain so Secure? Future of Blockchain. What is Centralized vs Decentralized system?


Difference Between GraphQL and REST API | Features, Advantages

What is GraphQL? Features and advantages. Difference between GraphQL and REST. When to use GraphQL over REST API.


Online FREE Calculators and Conversion Tools

Online FREE conversion calculators for Engineering students. Conversion Tools for convert number system, Aptitude, IP Subnet, Linux command, etc.


Benefits of AWS Certification | Importance and Salary

What is the benefits of AWS certification? AWS certificate for Practitioner, architect, associate and administrator. Salary of AWS Certified Engineer.

Top 10 Technologies to Learn for Future| In-Demand Trend

What are the top technologies to learn for future? Trending and in-demand technologies for better future.


What is GitOps | Advantages over DevOps

What is GitOps? GitOps vs DevOps – Difference between two. Advantages and principles.


6 Most Popular DevOps Tools You Must Learn

What are the best and popular DevOps tools for beginners? Container, orchestration tools for CICD.


Importance of DevOps Process | Why it’s so Popular?

What is the importance of DevOps process? Why DevOps? What’s its matter and popular?

coding challenge

[Solved] Minimum Number of Coins Required to Make Given Amount

Write a Python program to calculate and to find the minimum number of coins required to make given amount value. You can also solve in C/C++, Java…