Author: Aniruddha Chaudhari

data conflict

3 Different Types of Read Write Conflict in DBMS [Explained with Example]

What are the different types of read write conflict in DBMS? Explained RW, WR, WW conflict with examples. Why does data conflict occur?


Building Android Mobile Game Using Python | Good or Bad?

Is it possible to develop a mobile application or Android mobile game using Python? How to start a mobile app and game development in Python?


11 Prerequisites for Django | How Much Python to Learn Django?

How Much Python to Learn Django? And what are the Python prerequisites for developing website using web framework?


95% Discount on Black Friday Udemy Sale [Learn Anything just for $10]

What are the good deals for programming and technical online courses on Black Friday Udemy Sale?


Mystery of Python getrefcount() | Reference Count & Memory Management

How the memory is managed in Python? What is Python getrefcount()? How is reference count calculated? Use of reference count for Python memory management.


Complete Python Selection Sort Algorithm | Code Complexity

Write the complete code for Python selection sort. Explain the algorithm with time and memory complexity.


How to Open Command Line Prompt From Sublime Editor in Windows?

How to use and open command line prompt from Sublime in Windows?


How to Read Multiline User Input in Python 2 and 3?

Simple code for reading multiline user input in Python. How to read multiple line user inputs?

Python Padding | How to Pad Zeros to Number or String?

What is the function for Python padding? How to print the number or string by adding zeroes at left?