interview questions

50 Azure Data Engineering Interview Questions

Azure data engineering interview questions asked in the job interview. Explained.

Space and Time Complexity of Sorting Algorithms

What is Space and Time Complexity of Sorting Algorithms? FAQ asked in interviews related to In-place and efficient sorting algorithm explained.


How to Configure and Save Username and Password (Credentials) for Git?

How to save username and password for git? Command to configure git credentials.

How to Convert JSON to YAML in Python?

Convert JSON to YAML in Python. How to convert JSON file to YAML file in Python code using PyYAML module. Program explained.


11 Best Gadgets that I Use for Coding | Essential Setup for Programmer

What are the Best Coding Gadgets I Use? Essential accessaries for for Every Programmer.


How to Push an Empty Git Commit?

How to Push an Empty Git Commit? Git command to create empty commit without any code changes and trigger build.


Python “Hello, World!” Program Explained

Python “Hello, World!” Program Explained. What is the use of print function in Python? What you can do with Python print function.


Interview Questions for a Ph.D. Program in Computer Science at IIT Bombay

Written Test and Interview Questions for a Ph.D. Program in Computer Science at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay

Mastering Kubernetes with K9s CLI

Discover K9s: Your Kubernetes Command Center. Streamline cluster management with real-time monitoring, interactive UI, and efficient commands. Useful K9s commands to simplify Kubernetes operations.