[Solved] remote: Password authentication is temporarily disabled as part of a brownout.

[Solved] remote: Password authentication is temporarily disabled as part of a brownout.

GitHub has deprecated the old way of authentication. Because of that many developers are facing issues while connecting their remote repo on GitHub.

When I try to push the code to the remote branch, I got the following error as I was using the old method of authentication where we have to enter username and password.

remote: Password authentication is temporarily disabled as part of a brownout. Please use a personal access token instead.
 remote: Please see https://github.blog/2020-07-30-token-authentication-requirements-for-api-and-git-operations/ for more information.
 fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/user-account/example.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403 

I thought of sharing the exact steps I followed to resolve this issue so that it will help you.

As new method of GitHub authentication, you have to use token. Follow the steps below.

Step 1. Get GitHub Token

You have to create personal authentication token.

Note: You can skip the email verification step if you already have email verified.

After following all the steps, you will get the token string. It will be unique for each user and useful for accessing repo remotely on your local system.

Step 2. Update the Repo Origin

You may have old username and URL assigned to the origin of the repo. You need to update that.

Delete old origin value.

$ git remote remove origin

Now create new origin and assign new URL as below.

$ git remote add origin https://<token>A@<github-repo-url>.git

Use the token we got in the first step.

Hurray! You have done.

Step 3. Update Your Local Repo

Do the Git pull and verify if everything is working as expected. Now you don’t have to enter the username and password every time making Git pull/push request.

If you are new to the Git, follow this tutorial to get familiar with the Git.

Any difficulty? Let me know in the comment.

Note: Don’t share your personal token with anyone. Knowing your token anyone can get access to your repo without your acknowledgment.

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