Author: Aniruddha Chaudhari

Binary Tree

Program to Create Binary Tree in Python | Explained with Example

Write a program to create binary tree in Python, C/C++ and Java. Adding a new node and reading node values explained with coding examples.

Binary Tree

Binary Tree Tutorials | Interview Questions and Answers

What is a binary tree? How to prepare binary tree interview questions for product-based companies like Amazon?


[Solved] Find Remainder without using Modulus Operator in Python, C and Java?

[Complete Program] How to find remainder without using modulus operator in Python, C/C++ and Java. Algorithm explained.

interview questions

Top 8 Web Scraping Interview Questions and Answers

What are the web scraping interview questions and answers asked for Python developers? Beautiful Soap, Scrapy Python modules…


Simple Python Fibonacci Generator of Infinite Size Explained with Example

Write a Python Fibonacci generator program of infinite size. Fibonacci series example explained with code.


Minimum Cost of Merging Files [Amazon Coding Test Question]

[Amazon media encoder question and answer] What is the minimum cost of merging files? Solve it in Python, C/C++, and Java.


13 RESTful Web Services Interview Questions & Answers | REST API

RESTful web services interview questions and answers for a developer. What is the REST API, Characteristics and HTTP methods?


[Step-by-step] How to Create Virtual Environment in Python 3?

[Step-by-step commands] How to create and activate the virtual environment in Python 3 for Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Binary Tree

[Solved] Find Lowest Common Ancestor in the Binary Tree

How to find and print the lowest common ancestor in the binary tree? Algorithm, complexity, example and program explained in Python, C/C++ and Java code.