Tag: coding challenge

coding challenge

[Solved] Find Two Unique Numbers from Array in O(n) Time

[Solved] How to find two unique numbers from array in O(n) time using XOR operation. Solved in Python, C/C++ and Java programming.

coding challenge

[Solved] Find Duplicate in Array in O(n) Linear Time

How to find duplicates in array in O(n) linear time. Using 1) sorting and 2) hashing. Problem solved in Python, C/C++ and Java.

coding challenge

[Solved] Group Anagrams From Given List | Coding Challenge

Coding challenge- Group Anagrams from the given list. Asked in Goldman Sachs interview. Solved in Python, C/C++ and Java.

coding challenge

Smallest Subarray with Sum Greater Than or Equal To Given Number

[Coding Challenge asked in Goldman Sachs] Smallest subarray with sum greater than given number. Solved in Python, C and Java.

coding challenge

[Coding Challenge] Special Elements in Matrix

[Solved] Competitive coding question- Special Elements in Matrix asked in Goldman Sachs coding round. Find distinct number of elements which are either minimum or maximum in row or column.

coding challenge

[Coding Challenge] Secure My Conversation by Encryption and Decryption

[Coding Challenge] Secure My Conversation by Encryption and Decryption. Python coding question asked in Goldman Sachs.

coding challenge

6 Reasons | Why Competitive Programming is Important?

Why competitive programming is important? What are the benefits of competitive programming? Competitive programming for your DREAM job.

coding challenge

Python Competitive Programming Questions for Practice

Complete list of Python Competitive Programming Questions for Practice. Explaining each coding tutorials with tips, input, and output.

coding challenge

How to Find Next Greater Number with Same Set of Digits in C?

How to Find Next Greater Number with same Set of Digits of a Given Number in C Program? This is a coding question as well as asked in many interview coding rounds.