Tag: coding challenge

coding challenge

[Solved] Sort the Circular Rotated Array in O(n) Time| Algorithm | Code

Write a program to sort the circular rotated array. Algorithm explained with Python, C/C++ and Java coding. Find element in circular rotated array.

coding challenge

Regular Expression to Validate PAN Card Number in Python

[Coding Challenge asked in BrightMoney] Write a regular expression to validate PAN card number in Python. PAN card validation in Python.

coding challenge

Validate IP Address using RegEx in Python

How to validate IP address using regex in Python? Regular expression explain with the coding example and program.

coding challenge

Longest Balanced Substring | Maximum Length of Balanced Parentheses

Find the longest balanced substring. Write a program to find the maximum length of balanced parentheses.

coding challenge

Python Tricks for Competitive Programming

Python Tricks for Competitive Programming for cracking coding interviews.

coding challenge

[Solved] Minimum Number of Coins Required to Make Given Amount

Write a Python program to calculate and to find the minimum number of coins required to make given amount value. You can also solve in C/C++, Java…

coding challenge

[Solved] Merge Overlapping Intervals in Python, C/C++ and Java

Write a program to Merge Overlapping Intervals in Python, C/C++ and Java. Algorithm and solution explained with coding example.

coding challenge

4 Important Coding Problems Based on Numbers in C

Important coding problems based on numbers in C/C++, Java and Python asked in interviews? Program for Armstrong, Strong, Palindrome and Prime number

coding challenge

Find an Index of Array Such that Sum of Left and Right Subarray is Equal

How to find an index of array such that sum of left and right subarray is equal? Split the array into equal sum subarray.