

How to Get User Input in Python from Keyboard?

How to Get User Input in Python from the keyboard for both Python 2 and Python 3 version? Difference between ‘raw_input()’ and input().


Write a C Program to Remove White Spaces from String

Write a C program to remove white spaces from string. You have given a string which includes multiple words.


Python Web Development | Build Best Website using Bottle Framework

[Complete Tutorial] Python web development using bottle framework is the easiest way to build your website. It is explained with a user login web page.


5 Top Programming Languages to Learn with Recommended Books

Lets discussed 5 top programming languages that are widely used and gives best option to build the career in software industry.


Java Program using Interface | Important Points

Explained in detail with the example for Java Program using Interface. What is Interfaces in Java? Type of Functions defined within Java Interface?


Select SQL Command | Aggregate Functions with Example

Select SQL commands syntax and example explained with different filters like ‘where’, ‘group by’, ‘having clause’ and ‘order by’ clause in MySQL database.


Storage Classes in C and C++ | Explained with Example

Every datatype has storage classes in C and C++ that defines scope and visibility of variables. Here are different types of storage classes with example.

Exception Handling

Java Program for Exception Handling in Java

Java Program for Exception Handling will help you to get more detail insight exception handling and to avoid program getting crashed unexpectedly.

OOPs Concept

Object Oriented Programming Concepts | Asked in Many Interviews

What are the Object Oriented Programming Concepts? What are the questions asked on OOPs Concept in interview.