

Top 10 SQL Query Concepts for Job Interview

You should know these SQL concepts for job interview whether you are freshers or experienced candidate.

coding challenge

Find the First Unique Element in a Stream of Characters at any Given Point

Write a program to find the first unique element in a stream of characters at any given point. Competitive coding challenge to solve in Python, C/C++ and Java.

coding challenge

Flip Equivalent Binary Trees | Coding Challenge

Check Flip Equivalent Binary Trees. Coding challenge solved in C/C++, Python, Java.

coding challenge

[Solved] Maximum Profit by Buying and Selling Stocks Shares

Write a program to find maximum profit by buying and selling stocks. HackerEarth Coding challenge solved in C/C++, Python and Java.


Top 9 Web Automation Frameworks for JavaScript in 2022

Web automation frameworks for JavaScript- Front-end Frameworks (Svelte, React), Back-end Frameworks (Next.js, Express), Testing Frameworks (JEST, Cypress, Puppeteer), Mobile and Desktop Frameworks (Electron, React Native)


JavaScript Introduction | Characteristics | Alternatives

JavaScript introduction | JavaScript Characteristics and alternatives. How to learn frontend or backend with JS?

coding challenge

Ordering Task/Packages from Given Dependencies | Python Coding Challenge

Write a Python program to find the ordering of tasks from given dependencies. Coding challenge.


Program to Check Anagram in Python | Example

Write a Program to Check Anagram in Python with or without using sorting. Solve anagram using for loop.

coding challenge

Count Snow Units Captured between the Hills asked in GS [Coding Challenge]

Write a program to count snow units captured between the hills? Coding challenge asked in Goldman Sachs.