Author: Aniruddha Chaudhari


What is the Difference between r+ and w+ in Python | Example

What is the difference between r+ and w+ in Python? Create, Read, write file content with coding examples.

coding challenge

[Solved] Hailstone Sequence in Python (With or Without Recursion)

[Solved] Hailstone Sequence in Python with and without recursion. Find the Maximum Length of Hailstone Sequence for the Range of Given Numbers.

[4 Steps] Django Social Login with Facebook

[Simple 4 steps] How to create django social login with Facebook using social-auth-app-django? Complete code to develop user authentication for Django.


[4 Steps] Create User Defined Exception in Python with Example

How to create user defined exception in python? Write steps involved in creation of a user defined exception.


How to Update WordPress Plugin with zip file Manually?

[Simple steps] How to update WordPress plugin with zip file manually? Download and upgrade plugin manually.


How to Merge Local Branch with Master without Missing Your Changes?

How to merge local branch with master without missing changes? Update master branch and push working branch.

bit manipulation

6 Bitwise Operators in Python | Coding Example

What are the Bitwise operators in Python – AND, OR, NOT, XOR, Right Shift and Left Shift? Performing bitwise operations explained with example and code.


How to Nofollow and Open Author Bio Links in New Tab [WordPress]

How to set nofollow link in author bio and open it in new tab? PHP code for WordPress theme- (rel=”nofollow”) and (target=”_blank”)…


Overwrite WordPress PHP file in Child Theme SubFolder

How to Overwrite WordPress PHP file in Child Theme SubFolder/Sub-directory? Using get_stylesheet_directory and get_template_directory.