Tag: Django


How to Customize and Override Django-AllAuth Template Forms?

Simple steps to override Django-AllAuth template like login/signup form view. How to style django allauth form?


[Error Fixed] How to Get SITE_ID for Allauth Authentication in Django?

How to find and get SITE_ID for allauth authentication in Django? Fixed “Error : `SocialApp matching query does not exist.”.


12 Django Default User Model Fields You Should Know

List of Django default user model fields. How to extend Django user model to save other profile information.


How to Create Custom Template Filters in Django?

How to create custom template filters in Django? Explained with examples.


How to Initialize Default Multiple Choice Field in Django Form?

How to Initialize Multiple Choice Field in Django Form? Select default MultipleChoiceField options. Explained with example.


Reverse Look Up for Foreign Key using related_name in Django

How to write a program for Reverse Look Up for Foreign Key using related_name in Django? Model backward compatibility.


How to use “for-loop with else” in Django Template?

How to write for-loop with else in Django template? Use for loop with empty block.


How to Download Files from Pythonanywhere for Backup?

How to download files from pythonanywhere? Take a backup of your Django website.


How to Render and Open PDF file in Django?

How to Render PDF file in Django using FileResponse? How to open PDF file in Django? Download documentations.